Sunday, September 2, 2012


1. I want to lessen my carbon footprint.

I want to take active participation in reducing, reusing and recycling. But it's pretty fantastic if plastics can be turned into diesel.

2. I want to be part of the growing organic advocates in the Philippines. I'm not 100% organic but I'm pretty sure I'll make pretty good fertilizer in the future. (Ha ha!) Want to become an advocate, visit to help our organic producers!

3. I like playing and experimenting. There is just a sense of fulfilment when you complete something and letting your creativity shine. 

4. I want my natural beauty to shine! Like everyone else, I love looking good! And I would like to look as good when I have make-up even when I don't have any on! Now that's How to Look Good Naked! (Watch Gok Wan's inspirational show! Very inspiring!) For more tips, you can visit my mom's blog and guess how old she is.

5. I want to be practical. Things are just more economical when you do-it-yourself. 

6. It's just more effective and much more delicious when you make it yourself. When you DIY, you control what you put on your face and in your stomach, meaning you put all the best ingredients and you don't scrimp. You also put in energy to what you will use. So put a smile on your face while you DIY, after all, you are your own consumer. And you want the best for you! 

7. An informed customer will make consumer product companies more conscientious. When we know what we are doing as customer, our consumer product companies will record our consumption and deliver to us what we want. So know what you want and be informed. Try doing it yourself and find out the difference. 

8. Beat cancer. My grandfather died of cancer and it was difficult for my family. And in doing DIY, I hope to address the things that we can do ourselves to avoid chemicals that have been proven to cause it. Like Horace Mann said "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." This is my own little way. 

9. I believe DIY can improve people's lives not just financially but in terms of relationships too. Making your own dessert with your family and eating together is always good bonding. Plus, you can impress the person you like too. *Wink*

10. I believe in sharing of ideas. It's always good to know, always better when you can toy with it and always best when you can improve lives with it while improving yours. Life is short even if you have a hundred years to live so let's fill it with the things we love like the things we do ourselves!

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