Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beignets for Father's Day!

I had no idea what Beignets (pronounced as Ben-Yay) were until... I watched The Princess and the Frog. And since I am my dad's not-so-little anymore Disney Princess (he bought me a collection of Disney movies when I was a kid), I thought it'd be fitting if I made him Beignets. I don't know if you see the logic here. But it's there somewhere. Ha ha!

I tried making Giada de Laurentiis' Italian Zeppoles before which are like Beignets. They are essentially donuts with no holes or fritters. Zeppoles look more like munchkins and Beignets look like this. I didn't like Giada's recipe though because it was so... egg-y. It smelled of egg even with vanilla. 

Photo from:
But I did find an easy and delicious but not as pretty recipe for Beignets! Thank you for this recipe! Click here for the recipe!

This is how mine turned out. 

Instead of nutmeg, I used a pinch of cinnamon. And I drizzled some honey before putting confectioner's sugar (just like Tiana's ha ha!) It tasted so good! There's a little crunch on the outside and it's soft on the inside. And it's perfect for rainy days especially when you eat them piping hot. We did this last night. One of the best feelings in the world! I just love it! 

I can't wait to make them again! It may not be as pretty as the authentic ones but it's a quick fix. As for taste, they say it comes pretty close! I'm glad I found this recipe. I'm stocking up on the ingredients so every time I need it, I'll just make my own! Try it yourself and let me know how yours turn out! Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Your Ideal Weight According to Your Body Frame

I went on a medical check-up just recently and to my surprise, the doctor told me I was - wait for it - UNDERWEIGHT. The last time I checked I was 120 lbs and when I weighed in last week I was 3 lbs heavier. It was my mother's birthday the day before, sue me. And the last time I checked, I was 5'7 until I was proven wrong AGAIN and found out I'm just 5'5. Clinics should start having standard height checkers because my height's different every time.

So I was shorter and heavier and worried so it came as a BIG SHOCK to me when the doctor told me that I was UNDERWEIGHT. Yes, UNDERWEIGHT. And you probably are too unless you know your body frame. 

I have a medium frame. And according to the table in Health Check Systems, for my height and frame I should be 127-141 lbs. 

You can check yours in this website too. But the bigger question is, how do you actually tell what your frame is? My doctor gave me the easy way. 

What you will need:

Tape Measure
Your Ankle

Put the tape measure around your ankle. If your measurement is 6-9 inches, you have a medium frame. Less than this, you have a small frame. More than this, you have a large frame. I measured 7 inches so I have a medium frame. 

By writing this, I do not mean to disregard BMI completely. But relying on it solely might be misleading, so it is best to take your body frame in consideration too. Keep healthy!